From Chrome to Firefox via LastPass I started this wanting to talk about a very specific thing I finally took the time to do over break but I looked at the date and it seemed like I should talk
A month! I haven't posted in a while, mostly because the Monday after I returned from Code4Lib I interviewed for a new job at Cornell and spent the next months in the bizarre limbo that
code4lib Code4Lib 2018: Homeward bound My bags are packed and my brain is melted, it must be time to head home. I didn't schedule my travel as perfectly as I would have liked so I won't get to
Code4Lib 2018 Day 2 Yesterday we started on Code4Lib's main conference which is held in a single-track format. We all sit in a large hotel ballroom and everyone at the conference watches the same presentations. The idea
code4lib Code4Lib 2018: Pre-conference day! Two pre-conference workshops for me this year: Transforming MARC and Metadata into RDF-based Applications and Creating Data Dashboards Using Angular and D3.js, both were great and there were several other workshops I
Something new It's only February so my start of the year ambition hasn't faded just yet. I've been intending to make 2018 a year in which I write more so kicking tires here and doing
Impostor Syndrome Impostor Syndrome & Presenting Today I presented on impostor syndrome for CUL’s career development days. Here is the Ada Initiative impostor syndrome training that I used for preparing for the presentation (and as a basis for